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Mastering Tik-Tok : A Studio Guide for Fashion E-Commerce

In the fast-evolving landscape of fashion retail, TikTok has emerged as a fertile ground for brands to engage and resonate with audiences. This platform, with its authentic and unpolished aesthetic, has become a haven for creativity led by micro-influencers. Today, we’re dissecting the top video trends on TikTok that are not only ruling the platform but are indispensable for fashion retailers to stay relevant.

1. Adding Value:

The cornerstone of TikTok video content is adding value. Whether it's through entertainment or information, your content should resonate with your audience, going beyond mere selling. It’s a harsh truth but if you don’t add value don’t expect people to watch. This isn’t about crafting an ad!

2. LoFi Content:

The charm of lo-fi content lies in its authentic and unfiltered nature. Your iPhone camera, coupled with good lighting, is often all you need to churn out engaging content. The simpler, the better. Effective lighting can also contribute to a convincing brand story. If you are shooting indoors, utilizing LED lights can significantly help craft an aesthetic that looks natural. A word of caution though: try to avoid anything that looks too polished or constructed as it doesn’t resonate well on TikTok, a platform more focused on fostering personal connections.

3. Swift Edits

TikTok is a realm of brisk edits that keep the viewers hooked. Drawing inspiration from viral editing trends on the platform can infuse a fresh and energetic vibe into your content. But cut fast and rapid and avoid long clips unless it features someone talking directly to the audience.

4. Realism and Authenticity

The allure of real, relatable content cannot be overstated. Embracing user-generated content or even showcasing 'bad takes' can humanise your brand and draw viewers closer. Tiktok is totally fine with audio that cuts itself off to add a new point, or background noise. Captions can easily add a layer to anything that is missing.

5. Behind the Scenese (BTS) Content

Showcasing the human side of your brand through BTS content is always a hit. It's a peek into the process that intrigues and connects with the audience. So, with this in mind, prepare your studio or shooting space with the understanding that anything within the area could potentially be captured in a shot. You will benefit more from taking time to prep a set and shooting for coverage. Consider anything that happens on the day can be included, even more so if it shows a human touch. Your viewers dont expect everything to be perfect. 

6. Vertical Format and Short Length

The vertical, short video format is the hallmark of TikTok. It aligns with the spontaneous consumption pattern of the audience, making your content more consumable and shareable. Its a huge ask to expect a viewer to turn their phone sideways and really disrupts the TikTok flow. Landscape content viewed in Portrait mode feels super distant and detached, dont do it!

7. Dark, Choppy Chaotic Aesthetics

The dark, choppy, and chaotic aesthetics trend on TikTok is an exciting realm for fashion brands to delve into. It resonates with the edgy and adventurous spirit of the platform. Again mistakes are fine, loose edits are fine. Showing talent in stages such as Pre Makeup is also fine and preferred. Doing this in an acceptable way means briefing everyone before they come onto set of the BTS team intentions.

8. InApp Editing

TikTok’s built-in editing features are nothing short of a mini editing suite. Leveraging these tools not only simplifies the content creation process but also aligns with the platform’s authentic and organic vibe. Swift cuts, transitions, and effects can be applied right within the app, making it a breeze to edit on-the-go. Especially for fashion eCommerce studios with tight schedules, in-app editing on TikTok can be a time-saver, ensuring your content is ready to captivate without missing a beat.


TikTok’s authentic and swift editing style is a canvas for fashion retail brands to experiment and connect with audiences. By aligning with these trends and fostering a genuine, creative approach, fashion retailers can significantly bolster their TikTok presence. Remember this isn’t Instagram, the audience does not expect fake inauthentic or polished content.

We hope these tips are useful and will continue to build information on how best to approach TikTok creation. You can also hear Kevin talk about TikTok and GenZ and Pixelz Flow event in London in Nov.

Elevate your brand's video content strategy on TikTok and other platforms with Studio Workflow insights. Discover how we can help you navigate the digital realm to create impactful content that resonates.