PDP and Campaign alignment : A Case Study

As part of our ongoing look at the Future of the PDP, we take a deep dive at an example of a brand currently producing excellent content.

But first, the background. The fashion PDP model image content has changed little since 2014. Many brands offer the standard approach of Front, Back, Details on a white background, basic lighting and static posing.

But the signs are that the customer is not engaged by this approach in 2024.

More worringly, many brands PDP content diverges significantly from engagement posts on social media and imagery in seasonal campaigns. This approach is damaging for any Brand, especially when show side by side on site. It also shows real disregard for emotional purchasing factors at product detail page.

Evaluating PDP and Campaign Synergy

The future of the PDP needs to show greater integration across all channels, more coherent story telling and customer engagement. You can find more about PDP on these blog post links.

Video and PDP

PDP Evolution

Mango Campaign X PDP

So lets take a look at great example of a brand doing it really well. You can either read on below, or jump to watch the video Kevins LinkedIn Post.

Effective Integration: Meet a Leading Brand doing great things!

Boden. (not associated with Studio Workflow , not an ad or paid content )

The connection between the PDP and the campaign content at Boden is so authentic. The Art Direction is in complete harmony between both types of content, keeping them totally in the same emotional storytelling space.

The PDP content shot in studio, has a light and carefree attitude and is convincing and strong in its knowledge of the brand voice.

This is really joined up thinking, managing to keep that effortless holiday vibe in the studio for

  • Model Posing (relaxed but confident, not bored, not disengaged)

  • Hair and Make-Up (subtle lift + movement hair // natural, skin and sun touched MU )

  • Shot Selection (the detail shots can be perfect)

  • Model Direction (Fun/Light/Confident/Laughter) are key vibes here

  • Lighting (soft subtle and daylight feels)

Note site images have been cropped for display in blog, but show actual site curation. Boden retain all copyright.

Challenges in Achieving Alignment Across Channels

Why aren’t other Brands hitting the same mark?

It takes a lot of work to get to this level of cohesion between Social, Campaign and PDP, and first there has to be an strong intention, a desire to integrate the brand story at all levels.

This needs to be followed up in the budget allocated for PDP content, for Model Casting, for the Art Direction. This requires talent as well as money and what comes across from the Boden site is the genuine love and care for the product and the emotional narrative.

It is difficult to produce this level of curation across an entire site, when dealing with a New In. The shot selection at PDP level shows either excellent in-person briefing, and/or a very clear Art Direction and Style Guide.

Inspiration for PDP Excellence

Boden can be an example to follow

This is excellent content by Boden, of course there is room for some critique but we want to celebrate the success of the current site and all the work that has gone into it. If you haven’t visited the site recently go take a look and enjoy the rich story telling.

If you would like to speak to us about either a full site content review for internal use, or on ways to elevate your own PDP content creation process, please get in touch.

Whilst we didn’t work on Boden, we have years of experience in brand story telling and connecting content processes.


Unlocking the Potential of Behind-the-Scenes Content in Fashion Campaigns


Evolving PDP Content Creation: Adapting to Changing Consumer Expectations